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Day 255 – Bring in the Poor


Equip the Poor for Ministry

As I opened the newspaper, I noticed a feature article about the national leader next to whom I was sitting on the airplane. He was our host as we traveled through his country, meeting leaders and making plans to teach God’s way of life to the entire nation of Romania. This leader was highly honored and respected wherever we went.

This great leader told me his life story. He grew up in a large family that lived on a small farm. His parents were barely able to provide for their family’s needs of food and clothing. At school, classmates mocked him for his poverty and for his faith in the Lord. He graduated with high honors, but there were no job opportunities available to him because he was not a Communist. He prayed, “Lord, would You bless my life so that I can demonstrate that You honor those who follow You?”


Length: 3 min.
Date: 2015

Speaker: IBLP


Series Playlist

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