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Day 262 – Render Unto Caesar


Render Obedience to Caesar

The family quietly filed into the North Dakota courtroom. They respectfully acknowledged the judge, gave her a warm smile, and sat down. The parents were charged with refusing to place their children in public school. Later, the judge shared that she had been prepared to “throw the book” at them, as she had already done in the cases of three other homeschooling families that very morning.

However, this family was strikingly different from the others. In fact, the judge was so impressed with the attitudes and behavior of the children that she asked the parents many questions about how they educated their children. In the end, she ruled to postpone their case, pending the outcome of a bill to legalize home education, which was before the state legislature. The bill passed, and later that same judge began to home-educate her children! This family realized that they were under two jurisdictions: man’s jurisdiction under God and God’s jurisdiction over all.

Our ultimate appeal is not to the “ruler on the throne” but to God, Who placed him there.


Length: 4 min.
Date: 2015

Speaker: IBLP


Series Playlist

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