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Day 144 – Pray for Laborers


Pray for Disciples!

A young, energetic, prospective missionary received some very encouraging news. One of the most successful missionaries he had ever heard about was going to speak at his church. With the hope of learning how he could be most effective on the mission field, the prospective missionary prepared questions to ask the veteran ambassador.

His first question was: “As you look back on a successful ministry, what brings you the most joy?” The wise missionary did not hesitate to answer: “As I look back, it is not the huge crowds that I spoke to or the large churches that I started that bring me the most joy. It is the young boy I led to Christ along the road who is now a powerful preacher. It is the woman I led to Christ in the village who is now training her children to be strong believers. It is the individuals whom I have been able to disciple that bring me my greatest joy and fulfillment!

Why is this true?


Length: 3 min.
Date: 2015

Speaker: IBLP


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