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Day 218 – Forgive Offenders


Forgive Your Offenders

Jim could not understand why his sons were reacting to him. Although he was sometimes hard on them if they failed to keep their word, he reasoned that responsibility was an important character quality that they should develop.

Responsibility is an important quality for children to learn, but why was Jim so harsh in teaching it to his sons? The reason could be traced back to a time when Jim was a boy and his father failed to keep an important promise to him. One day Jim’s father had informed Jim that he would be going to summer camp. At first, Jim was hesitant to leave, because he was raising pigeons and there would be no one to take care of them while he was gone. However, his father assured Jim that he would take personal responsibility for the care of the pigeons while Jim was gone.


Length: 3 min.
Date: 2015

Speaker: IBLP


Series Playlist

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