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Day 186 – Beware of Leaven


Solve the Mystery of Anger

The phone rang. When I answered it, I listened to the desperate plea of a grieving father: “Would you please help my 17-year-old daughter? She just ran away from home!” Later, I was able to contact the daughter. She was eager to talk with me and willing to answer my questions. When I asked her if there were things she would like to change about her father, she quickly replied: “His anger! When things don’t go as he wants them to, he becomes very upset and angry.”

I questioned the father about his anger, and he readily admitted that it was a problem. He told me, “I have really been trying to deal with my anger and have even attended two of your Anger Resolution Seminars, but nothing seems to work.”


Length: 3 min.
Date: 2015

Speaker: IBLP


Series Playlist

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