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Use Transformed “Rods”!

Meditation is imagining the action involved in carrying out the command. For example, imagine what would happen if you were Peter or Andrew and heard Jesus’ call to follow Him and be made a fisher of men. There is a principle here. Jesus will take your talents and skills and transform them for eternal achievement. This is what He did with Matthew’s experience as a tax collector. Matthew teaches more about money in his Gospel than any other writer. The same principle is true with David; his shepherding skills were transformed by God into tools with which to shepherd, or care for, the whole nation of Israel. The skills David used to care for sheep were applied to taking care of people. “So he [David] fed them according to the integrity of his heart; and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands” (Psalm 78:72). However, before God can use your skills, something must happen.


Length: 3 min.
Date: 2015

Speaker: IBLP


Series Playlist

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