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Day 125 – Do Unto Others


Forgive To Be Forgiven!

A company president worked diligently to build up his business into a large and successful corporation. His products were recognized internationally as the best in their field and everything seemed to be going well for him. As he grew older, he decided to turn the day-to-day management over to his son and continue to oversee the company as chairman of the board. His goal was to have more time for other interests in his life.

A law firm was hired to work out the details, but during the transition, things went drastically wrong. The end result was that the father was eliminated from the business entirely and the son was put in complete control. The shock of being pushed out of his own business was a grief, but the source of even greater anguish was the alienation that had surfaced between him and his son. Why did this happen?


Length: 4 min.
Date: 2015

Speaker: IBLP


Series Playlist

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