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Session 5: How to Make a Wise Appeal


How to Work Within Structures of Authority

  • Gaining faith through understanding authority
  • Cooperating with God’s “chain of command”
  • Appealing based on Scriptural conviction
  • Checking our character
  • Fulfilling known wishes
  • Discerning goals and intentions
  • Designing a creative alternative
  • Presenting an appeal with our authorities’ reputation in mind
  • Waiting on God while under pressure
  • Suffering, if necessary, for refusing to do wrong


Length: 78 min.

Primary Topic: Decision Making

Speaker: Bill Gothard



4 thoughts on “Session 5: How to Make a Wise Appeal”

  1. Some of the things God was having me do without even knowing this teaching. I was asking for counseling… for at least several months. Now I have it. It was worth the waiting, crying, and time in which God needed to change me from the inside because he knows I would not have taken this counsel very seriously. And yes, he even used my non-Christian husband to put stress on me as well because I was going the wrong way as well as following the wrong teaching from this other place. Praise God whom all blessings flow. He has given such wisdom to my husband, healed our marriage, and is healing our relationship with our children because we are both working together as a TEAM to direct them.

    Many years back I had to leave the church because where the church was going. Now listening today some of these churches scare me because of the direction they are headed. May God continue to guide me and keeping me under his wing and under his authority and my husbands so I will continue to be blessed to have a submissive spirit, a grateful spirit, a servants spirit and a quiet spirit.

    Thank you for allowing me to comment

  2. This message is so true and relevant to our lives today. Over and over God has shown us His Will for our lives through the guidance and protection of our parents. Thankfully, my Dad and Mom are still living. I appreciate their insights and words of wisdom. It’s so sad when young adults choose to reject the authority of their parents. if they cut off communication, they damage precious God-given relationships. In their rebellion, the enemy takes advantage of the situation by drawing them further away from God’s plan for their lives. It’s heartbreaking. If only they would receive biblical counsel rather than follow the ways of this world, then they would clearly see God’s ways are good. His design for the family is beautiful.

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