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Session 7: Dealing with Hurts / Keys to Forgiveness


The Principle of Suffering

  • Overcoming bitterness with forgiveness
  • Understanding the root of bitterness
  • Taking up an offense
  • Judging vs restoring (Steps of disloyalty)
  • Identifying physical and emotional consequences
  • Repenting of temporal values
  • Thanking God for offenses
  • Investing in offenders
  • Discerning God’s purpose through suffering


Length: 81 min.

Primary Topic: Forgiveness

Speaker: Bill Gothard



3 thoughts on “Session 7: Dealing with Hurts / Keys to Forgiveness”

  1. Wow!!
    This really helped me see the symptoms of bitterness and help me work with it, with a better understanding of what I’m working with and how to work with bitterness and what to be careful for and things like that.

    Thank you very much 🙂

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