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Session 4: How to Relate to Four Authorities


The Principle of Authority

  • Discerning God’s guidance
  • Arranging myself under structures of authority
  • Cooperating with God-given authorities to develop character
  • Defining roles of the husband and wife in marriage
  • Growing in four required attitudes
  • Conquering fear and worry


Length: 81 min.

Primary Topic: Decision Making

Speaker: Bill Gothard



11 thoughts on “Session 4: How to Relate to Four Authorities”

  1. Due to financial limitations and an old computer, am unable to get internet at home so i use the local library. I Thank God for the online seminars and as an alumna i particularly thank you at IBLP for offering the seminar refreshers. Many healings have come. The price is very reasonable compared to the eternal rewards. God Bless all of you. Thank you again. Denise

  2. T H A N K S for making the seminars available online. I and my family are alumni several times over and every time we hear them we draw additional precepts and principles that are so helpful to our spirituality and growth. It is a great asset to have them readily available. FRED

  3. I have been to the live Basic Seminar twice; once before marriage, and again when we took our children to the seminar. We saw the fruits of the teaching spring to life in our family as our children grew to adulthood, and it’s a special treat to be able to go through the materials again online so that we can prepare to counsel our grandchildren in these essential Truths from God’s Word. Thanks for making them available.

  4. Thank you very much for this online resource. I value it highly. It is a rich source of spiritual input for me. I am a long time alumnus of the seminars from IBLP. The teaching is as practical and useful now as it was years ago. God bless Mr Gothard and all the folks at IBLP.

  5. Thank you so, so much. As a wife, the Lord renews reverence and gratefulness in my heart each time this video is seen. And my husband, who has never seen this seminar, warms toward me, shows more love, and our home is much more peaceful after I listen.

    Thank you so much for teaching the Scriptural principles!

    In Christ’s Abundance,

  6. Mark Hennebach

    I first heard this session in 1973 and GOD used it wonderfully to guide me! My dad (a non-Christian) was trying to give me guidance for my life after college, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying. After hearing this session at my first seminar, I was able to ask him for advice, “and I’ll do whatever you recommend.” That freed him up (and me, too). He gave me excellent advice that was from GOD! It led me in the right path for life, vocation, and marriage to the right person at the right time for the right reason. I thank GOD for IBLP!

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