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Session 12: How to Prepare Your Home for Successful Living


How to Grow in Your Spiritual Walk (Part 2)

  • Making no provision for the flesh
  • Burning occult books and objects of false worship
  • Distinguishing the melody, harmony and rhythm of music
  • Testing the spirit, message and fruit of music
  • Resulting consequences in sons and daughters when parents allow television in the home
  • Resulting consequences of modern art, immorality and immodesty in the home
  • Resulting consequences of alcohol in the home
  • Knowing why a son or daughter would prefer christian music which sounds like that of the world
  • Seeking God with our whole heart


Length: 99 min.

Primary Topic: Spiritual Warfare

Speaker: Bill Gothard



7 thoughts on “Session 12: How to Prepare Your Home for Successful Living”

  1. I enjoyed this talk and found a lot of what Gothard says to be very convincing but I am wondering what do you listen to if you do not listen to Contemporary Christian music? I am having a hard time finding examples of non-CCM christian music doing a Google search.

  2. I find bills material very convicting.even after 30 plus years of hearing a true word for today.I have been blessed by re listening. thanks bill gothard.

  3. We’ve been listening to harp music lately from itunes to help ease the stress in our home of 5 children. I noticed right away that the harp music played to the tune of Christian hymns were much more relaxing than those that were of other genres such as Celtic or classical. Carol McClure & Merry Miller are two my favorite Christian harp hymn players so far.

  4. Proverbs 2.1-5

    All i can say is WOW!! This has helped me so much! While listening to this session the Lord started placing the things in my room and life that I needed to get rid of. And I started deleting music off of my computer during the session. Every teenager needs to hear this message, because i know how it has set me free and lifted a darkness off of my heart that I didn’t even know I had!!!!!

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