Mike & Connie Walsh
President, Walsh Family Construction
Mike and Connie Walsh's love for the Lord and for each another is summarized by this sentence in their book, Common Deceptions That Destroy Marriage Oneness: "Oneness takes place when two people with two totally different perspectives and opinions submit their thoughts, will, and emotions to the Lordship of Christ". The Walshes love to share stories of God's grace working in their marriage. Listeners connect quickly with the couple's heartfelt testimony and their genuine transparency. They work together in a family-run construction business and offer sleigh rides in the winter.
Have you ever been in an argument with someone, and knew that you were 100% right (or at least 90%)?…
Identifying Responsibility in Reconciliation
It seemed like a lose-lose situation. If Connie tried to gloss over Mike’s shortcomings, as she did for the first…
Finding Joy in the Midst of Pain
Session 10: The Vital Quality Enabling Women to Love Their Husbands and Children
Mike & Connie Walsh32 Likes
Impatience was always one of Connie’s toughest battles. Engrafting verses on patience however has reversed the way she handles pressure…
Session 10: The Vital Quality Enabling Women to Love Their Husbands and Children
Session 9: How Appeals Should Be Used In Marriage
Mike & Connie Walsh9 Likes
Showing reverence to our husband does include having a useful process of appeal. Mrs. Walsh likens this to the role of…
Session 9: How Appeals Should Be Used In Marriage
This session opens with a difficult question: what if one spouse is willing to change but discouraged because the other…
Session 8: Success—Standing Against the Storms
Mike and Connie Walsh admit they didn’t understand oneness in marriage until dealing with moral freedom. Consistent moral freedom is…
Session 7: Lust—Enemy to Intimacy
A truck stuck in the mud. The suit that was too small. Drought. Whether large or small, irritations rarely come at a convenient time….
Session 6: Anger—Recognizing Its Roots
The centurion in Jesus’ day identified the value of the principle of authority and the rewards of seeing it at work in…
Session 5: Exposing the Enemies
Session 4: Full Forgiveness—The Way to Inner Peace
Mike & Connie Walsh11 Likes
It is natural to resist pain and want offenders to pay the rightful consequences of causing us to feel it. Bitterness,…
Session 4: Full Forgiveness—The Way to Inner Peace
Session 3: Personal Responsibility—The Key to Oneness
Mike & Connie Walsh15 Likes
Do you and your spouse communicate most often through monologue, dialogue, or “duel-logue”?!? Couples must be able to talk things…
Session 3: Personal Responsibility—The Key to Oneness
In their relaxed, friendly manner Mike and Connie explain the importance of God’s principle of design as it applies to both husband and…
Session 2: The Way to Accept My Spouse
Session 1: The Complement, the Curse and the Cure
Mike & Connie Walsh18 Likes
Mike Walsh found his “complement” in his wife, Connie. Newlyweds for only seven months in 1980, they attended a Basic…