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Session 3: Personal Responsibility—The Key to Oneness


Do you and your spouse communicate most often through monologue, dialogue, or “duel-logue”?!?  Couples must be able to talk things through without getting into an argument. How well they do that depends upon whether or not they grasp the principle of taking personal responsibility. Mike and Connie Walsh teach with Scripture, memorable one-liners, and relatable examples about how involving God and conscience in conversation helped them come to share thoughts and feelings more and more freely in their discussions with each another. Their openness strikes a vibrant chord with all those who have experienced, as the Walshes have, that there’s something uncannily wrong with always being right. “And what is a duel-logue?” you may ask. Well, if you haven’t guessed already, listen and find out as Mike and Connie go to the next deepest level of marriage harmony.


Length: 80 min.

Primary Topic: Marriage Communication


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