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Session 8: How Jealousy Can Protect Your Life and Marriage/Acknowledging Inherited Weaknesses

5 thoughts on “Session 8: How Jealousy Can Protect Your Life and Marriage/Acknowledging Inherited Weaknesses”

  1. I come from a line of: Adulterers, Fornicators, Alcoholics, Lustfulness, and much more, plus Atheists. I am so grateful for Jesus having defeated sin for us because I could not defeat all that. Now I am reminded of the care and teaching that must go into our 4 children and more if God willing. Thank you Bill for making the Bible easily understandable and practical, as I would not have much understanding if God did not work through you to help me.

  2. I too come from a long of of Adulterers, Fornicators, Anger, Bitter and I too were these things until I gave Christ my life, now I am working through these things, have asked God to forgive me and am grateful that God used these seminars to show me myself. He knew that I needed to be told in this exact way. I praise God for this and I continue to pray for my husband who at this very moment has left the house and moved out, we started out committing adultery with each other and I know our sin is the cause of the problems in our marriage. I pray for healing and for a renewal of my marriage through Jesus Christ! Amen I give thanks for this situation although painful or I would never come to know Christ as I am doing.

  3. I am 34 and am realizing that I come from a family of lustful, prideful, argumentative, selfish, bitter, stubborn, adulterous, and overly critical people. I am calling out to God to free me from these iniquities as I do not yet have children. I hope that God would release me and grant me peace and a loving family.

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