Spiritual Gifts: Overview
- Understanding the need for balancing gifts
- Comparing motivation gifts, ministry gifts and manifestation gifts from Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12-14
- Discovering and exercising our motivational gift in the Body of Christ
Primary Topic: Church Ministry, Debt, Discipleship
Speaker: Bill Gothard
Series Playlist
Session 1: Humanism
Bill Gothard
86 min -
Session 2: Five Giants
Bill Gothard
59 min -
Session 3: Spiritual Gifts, Part 1
Bill Gothard
72 min -
Session 4: Spiritual Gifts, Part 2
Bill Gothard
83 min -
Session 5: Financial Freedom
Bill Gothard
89 min -
Session 6: A Good Name
Jim Sammons
73 min -
Session 7: Music Evaluation
Bill Gothard
75 min -
Session 8: Recognizing the “Lie”
Jim Sammons
78 min -
Session 9: A Sensual Father
Bill Gothard
67 min -
Session 10: Criticism
Bill Gothard
32 min -
Session 11: Standing Alone
Gary Fraley
81 min -
Session 12: Six Purposes of Marriage
Bill Gothard
81 min -
Session 13: Spirit of a Marriage, Part 1
Bill Gothard
64 min -
Session 14: Spirit of a Marriage, Part 2
Jim Sammons
92 min -
Session 15: Mighty in Spirit
Bill Gothard
64 min -
Session 16: Successful Education
Bill Gothard
53 min -
Session 17: Birth Order Tendencies
Bill Gothard
52 min -
Session 18: Principles of Discipline
Bill Gothard
67 min -
Session 19: Why did God let it Happen?
Bill Gothard
70 min -
Session 20: Snake Story and Chalk Drawing
Bill Gothard
67 min
I am so encouraged. I think my main motivation is giving. How do you practice this gift if you do not have any money to give? I am not sure about my ministry or manifestation.
Be faithful in the little that you do have and trust that God will give you much.
First of all, I would pray for wisdom and opportunity to use my giving gift. Second, are you giving? If not, you need to be giving financially even if it is a little. Remember 1 Corinthians 8, they gave even out of their poverty. Third, I would also give of your time. It is very valuable, but try to do it along with your family instead of away from your family if possible. Nothing like sacrifice and serving together to focus on God’s calling. Also, can you pull together gifts of donations from yourself and others to benefit the more needy? If it is in good shape, they like to have things given unexpectedly. Hope that helps.
Money is one of the least of things we give except when God provides it for specific needs of others.
There are so many ways to give, especially the gift of time, our most precious commodity. Adding the Holy Spirit to show you specifically what and/or how He would have us give is the best start.
The gift of Giving has many facets, not all monetary at all. Your time, encouraging, helping others with tasks, sharing God’s truths, the list is truly limitless, …jdby7384…as you seek to ‘give’ He will certainly show you that beautifully faceted jewel he has given you!
jdbly7384, ..The gift of ‘Giving’ is a many faceted jewel. Not all is monetary in this gifting. Your time, physical labor, encouraging words, sharing wisdom and scriptures from God…the list is truly limitless. As you desire to ‘give’ God will show you the beautiful facets of that gem in and through you to glorify Himself and minister to others. God Bless you <3
I am very grateful for this man’s ministry. The first conference of his I went to was in DC, I think in ’72. It was life changing. Now I want to share these principles with my Sunday school class of adults. So now I’m glad I found this website.