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When God called Keith into evangelistic work, it became evident that His hand was upon Keith. As he gave his heart and mind to the Scriptures and to prayer, he began to see God accomplish mighty things. But the work God was doing through Keith was not just happening among the congregations where he preached—it also was evident on city streets and isolated corners of the world.


Length: 40 min.

Primary Topic: Prayer

Date: 2020

Speaker: Keith Daniel


1 thought on “Moves of God’s Spirit – Part 2”

  1. Thank you for another high-quality production.
    As it happens, I did not have the chance to view this episode thoroughly until after the Washington DC prayer gatherings / September 2020 Presidential Debate, and thus the message came through with that much more gravity.  How God must be yearning to work among His people.
    I believe He timed your message for such a time as this.

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