
Legacy of Faith—Keith Daniel (Trailer)


Born and raised in South Africa, Keith’s early years were marked by hardship. When his father succumbed to alcoholism and changed his behavior as a result, Keith’s mother filed for divorce. The broken state of Keith’s family caused him to turn to the world for fulfillment. But fulfillment was never found… until Jesus Christ revealed himself to the Daniel family. When Keith, along with his family, were marvelously saved, there was a radical shift in Keith’s life. Almost immediately he began to have a hunger and thirst for the Word of God, and as a result God was able to form a humble servant through which His Word was able to be declared with sincerity and power. Ever since that time Keith has traveled as an evangelist, exhorting individuals to turn from their own ways and to experience a dynamic intimacy with God by “soaking themselves in the Word.”


Length: 3 min.

Primary Topic: Total Surrender

Date: 2020

Speaker: Keith Daniel


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