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Abide in Him


Whether a businessman or a preacher, will I bear the fruit of the Lord Jesus Christ in my life work? It depends on whether or not I commune with Him first. I am as real as my quiet time. I am as safe as my quiet time. Every other facet of life stems from ruthless discipline in this area. Every other sin stems from the sin of neglecting this time. In this heartfelt message, Keith Daniels delves deep into not the theology but the reality of the way God hinges all else upon our walk, our daily walk with him. Trial and suffering, expansion and growth, are nothing but a conduit for God’s glory out of a deeper relationship with Himself. From retiring at night to rising early in the morning we dare not neglect the priority Christ gave: to sit at His feet, to do away with hurry and to abide in Him.



Length: 54 min.

Primary Topic: Loving Jesus Christ, Prayer

Date: 2001

Speaker: Keith Daniel

3 thoughts on “Abide in Him”

  1. This is a profound message. I had seen it months ago, but today I came across a question concerning the right response to trials and was hoping I would be able to find this message again. Lo and behold, here it is on Embassy! I was able to rewatch that middle section and clear the entire thing up. Thank you so much! Truly, there is no such thing as God destroying a man through the "fire." O how blessed the promise that He will NEVER leave us or forsake us, no matter how bad the circumstances are in life. He is faithful!

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