
Dr. Roy LeTourneau (1929 - 2014) was the son of the famed industrialist and inventor, R.G. LeTourneau. Roy and his wife, Shirley, lived in Peru for eight years building roads and developing jungle land on the headwaters of the Amazon River and founding the town of Tournavista. In 1973, Roy and missionary friend, Ken Opperman, developed a unique missions strategy for church planting and evangelism that began with a church of 180 in Lima, Peru, and grew to over 1,500 in one year and now has multiplied to over 70 churches with tens of thousands in attendance throughout Peru.

Returning to the U.S., he and his brother Ben founded the LeTourneau Tractor Company in Orlando, FL, which grew to be the largest John Deere dealership in the world. In Rockwall, Texas, he spent several years as a developer and builder. Roy and Shirley traveled all over the world where Roy, through Christian Business Men's Committee (CBMC), shared the story of what Jesus Christ had done in his life and was privileged to be used by God to lead many men to Christ through this ministry.