If only every young person in America could spend one day on patrol with a policeman. . . . But maybe this message by Tom Harmon will suffice. With sobering realism he warns of the consequences of one wrong choice. One drink. One thought. One wordly tune. In contrast, it comes as good news to be reminded that dangers don’t need to be experienced before being recognized and averted. One decision made in advance and kept through the temptations of a world filled with sin and sorrow could be enough. As a good soldier of Jesus Christ shares from his heart as well as his wealth of experience, you will know in a glorious new way the wisdom of being simple concerning that which is evil and wise concerning that which is good.
wonderful teaching for any sin laid before us. We must purpose in our heart before time that we will establish safeguards around our lives and the lives of our loved ones knowing that Satan’s desire is to destroy us. We must give him no ground.We must say no to every temptation that he sets before us realizing where it is coming from and where it will lead. Oh Lord, help us to be strong and mighty in spirit and use us in a powerful way to help others avoid the destruction that comes from saying yes to sin.
Satan is a constant lion trying to steal, kill and destroy your soul every day. This message is how to learn and stand against him every day. Tom talks a lot about staying away from temptation and from saying yes to sin.