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Speak Lord, Thy Servant Heareth


Why would anyone choose the unconventional in life? John the Baptist was born to a line of high priests, and yet he chose to undergo his education in isolation in the desert. The training God gave him there was specific to his life work; it was exactly what he needed for his mission. At the same time, as Bob Newhouse and his children have discovered, a specialized education comes in tandem with special disciplines. Like George Washington Carver, we must learn to pay daily attention to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. Like Isaac Newton, we must develop a personal confidence in the Word, works and ways of God. And like Zacharias, we must chart a course for our children other than the default. Along the way opportunities and obstacles will be many. Risks and rewards will be great. But “Speak Lord, Thy servant heareth!”

Special note: This message is similar to Bob Newhouse’s earlier message given in Knoxville, How to Discover Rhemas from God’s Word.



Length: 75 min.
Date: 2000

Speaker: Bob Newhouse

2 thoughts on “Speak Lord, Thy Servant Heareth”

  1. You have made me realize that some of our adult children we have “set adrift” rather than “released as arrows”. We had started strong, but we have not helped them finish strong. God grant us the ability to change this and that He will restore the years the locust have eaten. Thank you. May God use your message to stir hearts. Also your message on Renewing the Vision has been helpful.

  2. Wow. I heard Mr. Newhouse give this message when I was 7, and listening to it for what I believe is the first time since was amazed how much I remembered, and further how much it impacted my life at a critical age. We must be willing to listen to the Lord, and further to obey Him.

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