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Session 13: Never Lend to Friends or Co-Sign for a Loan


“I simply will not lend to friends or co-sign for anyone.” Would you be willing to make a commitment such as this? By doing so, many have been spared the unforeseen grief that comes from lending to friends or relatives and co-signing for loans. By not doing so, many others have experienced the financial and relational consequences of trusting unwise promises. While they may appear safe and logical, God knows the hidden risks of interest, inflation, bankruptcy, and presuming upon the future. Along with the warnings of Romans 13 (and the witness of Nehemiah) Jim Sammons expounds on the six reasons given in Proverbs which expose why lending and co-signing, even for Christian brothers or sisters, can interfere with the provision, chastening, and future plans that God has for them.


Length: 41 min.

Primary Topic: Debt

Speaker: Jim Sammons


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