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Pastor Joe Norvell guides young believers in evaluating what may cause them to sell out to the world rather than being completely sold out to God. He addresses the influence of right and wrong desires. What keeps you from having a perfect heart toward God? Are you attracted to material possessions, popularity, or entertainment? While those can be very tempting, don’t give up hope! Pastor Norvell presents not only the cause of compromise but also the cure.



Length: 49 min.

Primary Topic: Total Surrender

Date: 2018

2 thoughts on “Not for Sale at Any Price”

  1. Danny Ray Davis

    Excellent! I needed to hear this at this time for my benefit plus I will be going to church camp next week with the youth and I pray I will have opportunity to share this message.

  2. Yes, thank you Pastor Norvell. The Lord used your message. Looking ahead, one question it prompted me to ask was what one or two things might the Antichrist offer that would appeal to me, knowing myself, and how can I preclude that by looking to Christ in those specific areas.

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