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Lesson 160 – “Training Children to Be Mighty in Spirit”


Norm and Marlys Christiansen have two children whom they home educated for many years. Their oldest, Chad, enjoyed learning and did well in school. Nate has Down Syndrome and attended special education classes for several years before the Christiansens began home educating him. Norm and Marlys share some of the challenges they faced while raising Nate as well as the joys they experienced as they encouraged their son to be mighty in Spirit.


Length: 20 min.
Date: 2018

Speaker: Bob Newhouse


Series Playlist

2 thoughts on “Lesson 160 – “Training Children to Be Mighty in Spirit””

  1. Thank you so much for this encouragement. What a wonderful Lord we serve Who has others go ahead of us and prepare the way, so to speak, to teach us what they have learned!

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