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Lesson 85: “Holding With an Open Hand”*


Janny Moore bought a horse and named her “Dolly.” Janny shares how she had her life planned around Dolly: showing her, traveling with her, becoming quite the horsewoman, marrying a cowboy, and riding happily into the sunset! Yet one summer Janny sensed Jesus was calling her to “sell all I had and follow Him”; she told her mother, “I don’t think God understands I’m doing this [horse ministry] for Him.” This young woman shares how she had to learn the lesson of holding the things God gives us with an open hand.

*Due to vivid details relating to the horse’s demise, viewer discretion is advised.


Length: 16 min.

Primary Topic: Total Surrender

Date: 2017

Speaker: Janny Moore

Series Playlist

4 thoughts on “Lesson 85: “Holding With an Open Hand”*”

  1. Excellent message Janny and very timely! I received the video this morning but had to go to a consultation with a home schooling family, before I could fully watch it. During the character evaluation with their high school daughter, I discovered she had just purchased a horse which was going to be delivered this weekend. She was so excited! We decided to watch this video and you really spoke to her and not letting her new horse to become her first love. How perfectly timely was that? Bless you!

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