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Lesson 69 – “What Kind of Music Reflects God’s Character?”


One of the controversial issues in the Christian life is the area of music. ATI father Don Staddon studied this topic, asking, “What is God like? What is the nature of His innermost being?” With those questions, he then examined various aspects and genres of music, asking, “Does the music reflect what God is really like?” Don and his wife, Donna, share their testimonies of how they reached their conclusions about what is and isn’t God-honoring music. Perhaps what they share will encourage others in understanding the tremendous influence music can have in a person’s life.


Length: 19 min.

Primary Topic: Music

Date: 2016

Speaker: Bob Newhouse

Series Playlist

2 thoughts on “Lesson 69 – “What Kind of Music Reflects God’s Character?””

  1. I was excited to see this video, and am very grateful for the truths and testimonies. I was encouraged to hear about the singing of hymns in the face of rock n’ roll.
    Thank you! In Jesus, Ashley

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