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Lesson 53 – “ATI: It’s Just a Tool”


Both Chad and Alissa Christiansen were reared with the ATI curriculum. Chad was six years old when his family began the program, and Alissa was nine when her family joined. Their testimonies both indicate that ATI was “just a tool” that their parents used to home educate their families. ATI was not their identity; therefore, their identity remained rooted in Christ. Now Chad is director for “In the Gap,” a program that trains young people to minister to public school children with God’s Word. The couple also shares their insights as to why they think young people, who have been raised in Christian homes, are leaving the way in which they have been trained.


Length: 24 min.

Primary Topic: Courtship & Dating

Series Playlist

1 thought on “Lesson 53 – “ATI: It’s Just a Tool””

  1. Bob , you do such a great job with these interviews . I just pray that they can an encouragement to many. Hearing from people who have been impacted by the Basic Seminar and the ATI ministry can be a blessing by seeing how the Lord uses this program and the many wonderful mentors who have been associated with ATIA.

    May the Lord greatly bless you.

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