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Lesson 46 – “Courageous Men of the Word”


Seeking fellowship with like-minded families, Dwain Swanson and his family attended the Family Conference in Big Sandy, Texas. While there, he met another dad who was also seeking on-going fellowship. He and Will Peters “hit it off” immediately and decided that together, they would seek for others of like mind. Afterward, with the names of ten or so fathers he had met, Dwain started calling these men, “just to ask how I could pray for them.” From Dwain’s initiative and Will’s prayer request to be in the Word daily, “Courageous Men of the Word” came into being.

Learn about this ministry that now reaches more than 400 men and how you can be part of it:


Length: 15 min.

Primary Topic: Discipleship

Speaker: Bob Newhouse

Series Playlist

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