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How Prayer Built a House of Prayer


Once upon a time there was a hard-working dairy farmer, called from the family farm to take on the pastorate at a small church in a very un-churched part of the country. There, his labor and effort to build numbers in the ministry once again seemed to pay off and he counted that too a success … until he experienced the sharp reproof of a church split … followed by another, and another. Listen as Pastor Dee Duke recounts the turning point that came when he met with God and the life changing transformation that resulted when, through a new spirit of repentance, humility and dedication, God taught him how to think through and write down the far-reaching implications of true commitment and practically define all that is meant by the phrase “I love you”. God will build His church, and He loves to start with a man and his family who will put His love into practice.



Length: 44 min.

Primary Topic: Church Ministry, Prayer

Date: 2008

Speaker: Dee F. Duke

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