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How God Can Use Imperfect Families to do The Impossible


Conservative convictions will certainly be tested, by honest inquirers and hardened critics alike. Yet more and more, the practical benefits which God promises are being discovered by those families that are willing to apply His ways to daily living whatever the cost. Like the Duggars, any family can experience the powerful truth that when God in honored in the home, there is no occasion either for shame or for pride. To that end, Jim Bob and Michelle share about a very wide variety of the basic resources that have worked in their home as they move toward becoming one as a family and help each of their children become an influence for righteousness when the whole world says it is impossible.



Length: 41 min.

Primary Topic: Debt, Family Ministry

Date: 2012

Speaker: Duggar Family

3 thoughts on “How God Can Use Imperfect Families to do The Impossible”

  1. Thank you for yet another WONDERFUL message, Duggar Family! I find your suggestions on household basics SO helpful!
    Your messages, along with the Seminar collection, have been a TRUE BLESSING from God for our family.

    Many Thanks, Embassy!
    The Birks Family

  2. chrisndessiree

    Truly inspirational message. This is one of the more practical messages from the Duggar family. We walked away with quite a few tangible ideas to help our family in its pursuit of Christ.

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