

“Why do you want to waste your life merely doing something great for God when God invites you to do the impossible for Him?” What a question! What a challenge! And yet the impossible is precisely what God wants to do. Anyone can do great things. God’s desire is to do those things which without Him are impossible. And He desires to do them through us. As with Peter when Christ empowered him to walk across the stormy seas, so the divinity of God is revealed through humble Christians who trust Him enough to ask in faith, leave the comfort of the boat, and take Christ at His word. David Gibbs’ life-changing message will remind you of the grace and power that your Savior offers when you are willing to live for His glory.



Length: 52 min.

Primary Topic: Prayer, Vision for Living

Date: 2012

6 thoughts on “How to Do the Impossible”

  1. I have listened to this several different times and I’m always amazed convicted and encouraged to keep pressing on to share the gospel for our Lord is the God of the impossible!! Love this so much!

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