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Embassy Live: 12,000 miles around the U.S.


Over a period of eight weeks, a team from the IBLP Headquarters traveled from coast to coast, encouraging families in thirty states and in Canada. The team was able to connect with family after family who shared the same vision for the future—one that is focused solely on knowing Christ by diligently meditating on His Word throughout our daily walk. This special webcast, taped the weekend after the conclusion of their journey, features a tour summary, two slideshows, and both of the messages which David Waller and Gabe Cleator shared for the gatherings. 



Length: 92 min.

Primary Topic: The Word of God

Date: 2014

1 thought on “Embassy Live: 12,000 miles around the U.S.”

  1. I am very thankful for these messages. They have really enouraged me to seek the Lord, to with God’s help strieve to meditate upon Him, and Love Him with ALL my heart. It is amazing how God has been working specifically on these areas in my life today, showing, that I need to change, and then tonight I have come across this messages. I can see God’s hand working. I thank you so very much, and I thank God for what He is doing through you!

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