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We may be willing to die for freedom as Americans. But would we be willing to give up our lives for Christ? At first, dying to our will, freedoms, and future may seem a fearful—or foolish—decision. Such a sacrifice sounds like it would be an end, not a route, to all our hopes and dreams. Dr. Josef Tson testifies otherwise! His life story dares us to think one step further regarding death and resurrection. His message will truly challenge you to reconsider the countless rewards of dying daily to ourselves.



Length: 72 min.
Date: 2018

Speaker: Dr. Josef Tson

1 thought on “Are You Ready to Die?”

  1. Multsumesc Dr. Tson!

    Your perspective is refreshing. You are right: while the apparent default goal of life would be to keep alive (“[For after all these things do the Gentiles seek]” [Matthew 6:32a]), our God-given goal is to lose our life the right way. With this knowledge, I am encouraged among other ways to lay down the hours without reservation as I work on the Embassy Media website. God uses your messages often to reinvigorate my spirit and I am grateful to Him that your insights, perspective, and life testimony are being made available here. God’s hand continue to perform mightily with you in your work, travels and speaking engagements.


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