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Why We Need Personal Revival


Many Christians would love to see a revival break out in their churches, their communities, their cities, and their nations. David Ford suggests that revival does not come from preaching but through individuals who are totally abandoned to God’s will. God is looking for people who are willing to be dead, who are willing to be obedient, who are willing to be faithful in the small things. God’s eye is upon you—revival will begin when you answer His call as Isaiah did: “Here am I, send me.”



Length: 50 min.

Primary Topic: Total Surrender

Date: 2014

Speaker: David Ford

2 thoughts on “Why We Need Personal Revival”

  1. Handmaiden4Him1

    Praise God! This is an anointed teaching on how God can, and is willing
    to, give personal (and corporate) REVIVAL to The Body of Christ as we
    seek Him in Fervent Prayer – coming to Him in humbleness and brokenness
    – and with a desire to know Him and live in His manifested presence.
    To God be the Glory!

  2. I was just talking about that passage in Isaiah with my mother last night. I believe God wanted me to go on this site today so I could see this message on the home screen. Thank God for His conviction!

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