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Life-Transforming Discipleship


Even today basic steps of spiritual growth and discipleship are shrouded in mystery for many Christians. This is because the genuine experience of becoming a disciple of Christ and in turn discipling others can be hard to explain even after we’ve successfully done it. And even good explanations tend to rely on the logic of the human mind rather than God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. Praise the Lord for Chris Hogan, a man willing not only to become a disciple-maker in his own life first but to sit down after the times that God has worked, take an objective look back, and work out a useful summary of what happened and how it translates when communicated to a third party. This genre of life-to-life teaching helps to make a life of drawing others to Christ an exciting thing, both to experience myself and share with someone else who sincerely wants to go and make disciples.



Length: 43 min.

Primary Topic: Discipleship

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